Flex animebit - page 13
There is more
mobile, antenna, teardown, edge, communication, coax, coaxial, transmissions, tma, base, station, radio, masts, low, noise, amplifier, resonator, resonate, cavities, champer, box, case, silver, aluminium, anaren, coupler, sma, dcs, pcs, gsm, 1800 mhz, dcs 1800, lte band, lte 3, digital, cellular, system, personal, gsm 1800, mhz, umts, uplink, downlink, utra, duplex, europe, north america, gprs, tdc, telenor, sonofon, nokia, siemens, networks, flexi, wcdma, more screws, techn0man1ac, science technology, 1800 more
Hammer through mirror at 120,000fps
slomo, slow, super, motion, slow motion, 1000, 1000fps, gav, dan, slowmoguys, phantom, guys, flex, gavin, free, gavin free, high speed camera, the slow mo guys, fps, 5000, 5000fps, hammer, through, mirror, matrix, real, 10fps, trance, trance music, robert miles, robert miles children, science technology, slow through
Slow motion clay shooting
shooting, shotgun, hunting, phantom flex, clay shooting slow motion, the slow mo guys, shooting photography, jonathan mcgee, phantom shooting, phantom clay shooting, phantom flex clay shooting, slow motion clay shooting, slow motion, shooting sport sport, slow, motion, clay pigeon shooting sport, science technology, shooting clay
Mive explosive chain reaction
slowmo, research, vision, v2640, v2512, bog, toilet, mannaquin, safe, cord, det, detcord, charge, shaped, mines, school, 5000fps, 5000, fps, the slow mo guys, high speed camera, gavin free, free, gavin, flex, guys, phantom, slowmoguys, dan, gav, 1000fps, 1000, slow motion, motion, super, slow, slomo, science technology, slow mo