Person of the year - page 8
We love you natalie
Making a nerf gun that shoots tampons
nerf gun modification, supersonic nerf gun, super sonic nerf gun, strongest nerf gun, fastest nerf gun, worlds fastest nerf gun, making fast nerf gun, best nerf gun modification, homemade air gun, home made air gun, fast nerf gun, supersonic nerf, supersonic nerf bullet, supersonic airgun, supersonic gun, supersonic canon, nerf gun, nerf mod, science technology, gun nerf
Overwatch aardvark pays off
actress, actor, tracer impersonation, widowmaker, glitch, zenyatta, turret, quotes, aids, impression, lines, impersonation, highlights, highlight, skin, cool, torbj orn, map, pajamamax, just hanging around, muda, muda muda, genji, zylbrad, voice, accent, tracer, aardvark, hard work pays off, overwatch, funny, torbjorn, gaming, muda aardvark