Phantom mannequin - page 22
Bullet vs prince rupert's drop at 150,000 fps smarter every day 165
smarter, every, day, science, physics, destin, sandlin, education, math, smarter every day, experiment, nature, demonstration, slow, motion, slow motion, science education, what is science, physics of, projects, experiments, science projects, prince ruperts drop, rupert's drop, phantom, science technology, science drop
slomo, slow, super, motion, slow motion, 1000, 1000fps, gav, dan, slowmoguys, phantom, guys, flex, gavin, free, gavin free, high speed camera, the slow mo guys, fps, 5000, 5000fps, school, mines, shaped, charge, detcord, det, cord, safe, mannaquin, toilet, bog, v2512, v2640, vision, research, slowmo, science technology, slow mo
How engines work
gl head briggs, gl head, engine valves, inside an engine, see through engine, 4 cycle vs 2 cycle, 2 cycle engine, 4 cycle, 4 cycle engine, how engines work, phantom camera, briggs and stratton, engine, slow motion, smarter every day, sandlin, destin, physics, science, day, every, smarter, science technology, engine cycle
Taser impacts
slomo, slow, super, motion, slow motion, 1000, 1000fps, gav, dan, slowmoguys, phantom, guys, flex, gavin, free, gavin free, high speed camera, the slow mo guys, fps, 5000, 5000fps, taser, impact, bare, skin, 28000fps, v2511, science technology, slow mo
Tank round vs land rover
fullmag, full mag, richard ryan, slow motion, slowmo, slow mo, science, technology, slowmo guys, slowmoguys, diy, flex, 1000fps, 240fps, 1 million fps, tank, land rover, lr3, tank round, tank round vs, suv, 4x4, off road, range rover, discovery, land rover defender, land rover defender 110, land cruiser, toyota, mercedes benz, mercedes g wagon, g wagon, coffee, automobile, do it yourself, slomo, high speed camera, phantom, travel, las vegas, 105mm, recoiless, 105 mm, science technology
20mm vulcan prius vs ballistic gel
fullmag, full mag, richard ryan, slow motion, slowmo, slow mo, science, technology, slowmo guys, slowmoguys, diy, flex, 1000fps, 240fps, 1 million fps, high speed camera, phantom, slomo, the slow mo guys, 20mm, vulcan, 20 mm, prius, gel, block, m61 vulcan, coffee, rambo, arrow, car, automobile, review, land rover, off road, custom, brcc, hybrid, electric car, car parts, tesla, model 3, model s, toyota, prius vulcan, smarter, premium, electric, engine, electric vehicle, smarter every day, sedan, coupe, math, science technology, vulcan prius
North korean type 58
type 58, north korea, north korean, ak47, ak 47, north korea type 58, larry vickers, vickers tactical, machine gun, gun, firearm, military, delta, airforce, army, navy, coastguard, slomotion, phantom, highspeed, slow motion gun, rare, rare gun, rare guns, devgru, weapon, rare weapons, forgotten weapon, military channel, historical, historical guns, vietnam, vietnam war, vietnam bringback, vietnam ak, type 3, milled receiver, science technology, type gun
North korean type 58
type 58, north korea, north korean, north korea type 58, larry vickers, vickers tactical, machine gun, gun, firearm, military, delta, airforce, army, navy, coastguard, slomotion, phantom, highspeed, slow motion gun, rare, rare gun, rare guns, devgru, weapon, rare weapons, forgotten weapon, military channel, historical, historical guns, vietnam, vietnam war, vietnam bringback, vietnam ak, type 3, milled receiver, science technology, type gun