Pig drift - page 18
Slow motion clay shooting
shooting, shotgun, hunting, phantom flex, clay shooting slow motion, the slow mo guys, shooting photography, jonathan mcgee, phantom shooting, phantom clay shooting, phantom flex clay shooting, slow motion clay shooting, slow motion, shooting sport sport, slow, motion, clay pigeon shooting sport, science technology, shooting clay
My brain
gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 15, leaving things in, shamrock shake, month, gmm shamrock shake, gmm st patty's day, gmm st patrick's day, mcdonald's shamrock shake, bath bomb, whiskey, cat poop, st patrick's day, st patty's day, green, jamesons whisky, irish cheese, pig intestines, bull, kale, fish fillet, experiment, science technology, st day
Piat spring hand mortar goes bloop
piat, traditional rocket launchers, spigot mortar, battlefield 1, forgotten weapons, military conflict, history, documentary, winston churchill, 20th century, hollow charge projectile, pretty harsh recoil, grenade blank cartridge, ww2, world war, boys, antitank rifle, anti tank, hollow charge, panzerfaust, panzerschrek, bazooka, england, blacker bombard, jefferis, mccollum, development, panzer, tiger, panther, projector, infantry, mediakraft, history channel, great war, wwi, science technology, mortar history