Place love - page 7
Team hollywood
lines, cool, funny, recorded, alternate, audio, dialog, dialogue, adr, replacement, replaced, arnold schwarzenegger, elevator, hallway, chase, terminator 2 judgment day, art, martial, action, kung, scene, fight, matrix, the, cuban pete, the mask, ipkiss, stanley, thats a spicey meataball, comicbook com, comic books, Team hollywood
Trump doesn't know the geography of the u. s
donald trump, pittsburg energy summit, interactive, map, quiz, youtube, game, united, states, state, locate, name, learn, america, question, answer, click, right, wrong, school, university, college, geography, elementary, middle, high, education, help, teach, student, teacher, place, test, find, continue, score, grade, history, istance, tutorial, lesson, colorado, news, news politics, colorado geography