Retarded shit - page 29
That shit, let's start a riot
in's creed syndicate, the evil within 2, in's creed rogue, uncharted 4, league of legends, the last of us, cyberpunk, quantum break, in's creed 2, watch dogs 1 and 2, detroit become human, the witcher 3, far cry 3, in's creed 4 black flag, hitman absolution and, alfabaton, alfabaton game, gaming, in's creed
Fatal sweetness
meme, funny, tarantino, michael madsen, tim roth, demi'an bichir, double barreled shotgun, noptira renton, lucas renton, edgar renton, channing tatum, colt 1878 double action, quentin tarantino shootout, quentin tarantino, the hateful eight scene, the hateful eight, shooting scene, killing spree scene, fight scene, gunfight scene, shootout scene, killing scene, macre scene, action movies, action scene, action film, super bowl 50, skittle shitz, parody, auralnauts, do not do it, commercial, skittles brand, scene action