Viva la revolucion - page 12
The end of the world
tom cruise, war of the worlds, corona virus, covid 19, steven spielberg, movie, sci fi, action movies, tom cruise movies, tripod encounter, alien invasion, occupation, dakota fanning, justin chatwin, tim robbins, best movies scenes, amg v 312948, survival, sci fi thrillers, kathleen kennedy, movie clips, alien sci fi, movies, movies tv, movies sci
The highest level prankers
Hey, teacher
drop out, supremacy, natural selection, survival of the fittest, selection, johannes eichberger, sven skoczylas, katja flachberger, eugenics, surveillance camera, university of applied sciences, rafael mayrhofer, fh hagenberg, compositing, simulacrum, recycling, baby doll, animation, stop motion, cartoons, selection Hey
Coldplay talk
173 year old whaling ship sets sail once again
national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, documentary, hunger, iowa, poor, family, christina dreier, future of food, america, news, issues, youtube, national geographic documentary, ha ha ha, reaction, anime, random reactions, news politics, ha national